Wednesday, October 23, 2013

DIY: Oat Flour

Alright, so who is as excited as me to make their own oat flour. Oat flour can be expensive to purchase at a local store or online so why not make it yourself. When I disclose how easy it is to make this healthy substitute to all purpose flour you'll seriously be astonished. I substitute oat flour for regular flour in some of my baking recipes to make it a little bit healthier. 

The process: 

Oats (I use quick) however, you can use whatever you prefer like rolled or old fashion
Food processor

I measured out one cup oats placed it in my mini "chop chop" as my husband and I call it and grind. This is the fun part because kids get so excited over this stuff that my two year old will hold the button down and I can supervise while doing something uber exciting like the dishes. o_0 ..... 

 If you process one cup oats in the food processor you'll yield one cup oat flour afterwards.

Prior to being processed....

And this is oat flour! 
Waaaaa laaaa!!! Haha... It's so easy and it's a great alternative for becoming a healthier being! Enjoy it & experiment with it! 

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