Thursday, November 1, 2012

October Beauty Army

Okay, for those that are unaware to what BeautyArmy is I'll explain a little bit before I show everybody what I had picked out. It is a beauty subscription service that allows the subscriber to choose their own samples. That fact alone makes them diverse from other subscription services. In addition, you don't have to receive the monthly box every month. If you don't like what their offering you don't have to purchase that month; this is a really nice feature because I don't know how many times I probably would not have given Birchbox my monthly $10 if I had known what they were sending. 

Anyways October :) A month filled with Autumn and Halloween fun! I love it and I was extremely pleased with my BeautyArmy box!

Everything was wrapped in tissue paper and had it's little greeting card on top.

Opening the first layer of tissue paper I found the "You Da Balm" lip balm I had chosen with "crimson rouge" blush/lip stain by Besame Cosmetics and some tinted moisturizer from Suntegrity. Off to a good start :) I love the lip balm it's amazing! 

The bottom layer of tissue paper revealed a full size lipstick with matching lip gloss attached :) wooo in the color "coral poppy".... by the brand SKINN Cosmetics... The product itself was  little damaged where the lipstick must have twisted up and hit the top of the lid... but the color pay off makes up for the "damage". I received a full size Lashem (helps get fuller longer lashes)... which retails for $69.99 :-0 I have yet to try it but am hoping to do a review after I use it. Last but one of the best products in the package as the Lipsi Cosmetics aphrodite powder! I LOVE it!!... I paid $12 for this box and I received 3 full size products one of which retails for close to $70 ... that is pretty amazing :) 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Green Goodness

Juicing, is my newest passion not just because it's amazingly cool to do but because of all the healthy advantages. I love feeling the energy I receive after I drink a fresh cup of juice and I especially love that I've lost a few inches while enjoying something I love... It doesn't get much better than that! Toss your hair into a messy bun and get to work! 

My basic and everyday juice consists of the above picture! I indulge in celery, spinach, apples, carrots and oranges... It's delicious and not only do I enjoy it but my little family does also! You may be like "Whhaattt? Kids and vegetables?" and Yes, my daughter loves this drink and will slurp it down in a matter of seconds! 

I use two of everything; it's like the Noah's Arc of juices. And the colors are fabulous! 

Enjoy the rainbow of green deliciousness! 

Sometimes I get  funky and add pineapple or blend it with banana's... but usually my everyday drink is just simple two of everything listed above juiced into a good morning breakfast beverage! I do toss in a lot of spinach not just two handfuls but that is because I need the extra iron for my Anemia... and well nobody seems to care that I go a little crazy with the spinach! :) 

Juicer: Jack LaLanne Power Juicer
Two stalks celery chopped in large pieces
Two apples halved or quartered
Two whole carrots chopped in half
Two medium oranges peeled and halved
Two large handfuls of spinach (makes the green juice)

Ball the spinach in your hands and put in juicer; I often place an apple or orange over it and then use the utensil to press both down into the blade.
From there continue to juice all ingredients.
Enjoy the finished product over some ice. 

I don't keep mine in the fridge longer than 24 hours.